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The Classy Career Girl Podcast

Welcome to The Classy Career Girl Podcast, hosted by Anna Runyan, founder and CEO of Classy Career Girl, named by Forbes as one of the top 35 most influential career sites of 2014. On this podcast, you’ll find a variety of training sessions, expert interviews, behind the scenes audios, action reports, inspiring success stories from our members, presentations I have given as well as audios that I record originally just for this podcast.

Mar 15, 2024

The Path to $10K Months as a Career Coach

    • Input: Types of services offered (resume writing, interview prep, career strategy sessions, etc.), the estimated time spent per service, and the desired hourly rate.
    • Calculations: Monthly/annual income projections based on different service mixes and client volumes.
    • Additional Features: Consider including scenario planning options (e.g., "What if I add a group coaching program?") and the ability to track actual income against projections.

6 Emails You Can Send Today to Get Clients

  • Focus: This likely refers to an email sequence designed to attract and convert potential clients. Here's a possible structure:
    1. Introduction: Catchy subject line, brief intro to your value proposition.
    2. Pain Point Focus: Address a common challenge faced by your target audience.
    3. Case Study/Testimonial: Share a client success story.
    4. Solution Offer: Highlight a specific service or mini-consultation offer.
    5. Limited Time/Availability: Create urgency.
    6. Clear Call-to-Action: Guide them to book a consultation or discovery call.

Marketing Plan

  • Essential Sections:
    • Target Audience: Define your ideal clients (industry, job level, pain points).
    • Competitive Analysis: What differentiates you from other career coaches?
    • Channels: Where to find your target clients (LinkedIn, job boards, niche communities, etc.).
    • Content Strategy: Blog posts, social media, webinars, free resources to establish expertise.
    • Budget & Timeline: Allocate resources and set milestones.